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The Name Game

If you want the right name, you need to find the first letter of both the first name and town name. The rest of the name doesn't matter. Each letter corresponds with a different first name and a different town name. So if my name was Vicky and I lived in Kateandcherithrockmysocks, my warrior name would be... HawkShadow!!

First Name: Alexia
Favorite Cat Breed: Turkish Van

Warrior Name: Hawkshadow, a loner
Month You Were Born In: December

First Name

A = Hawk
B = Fern
C = Wild
D = Swift
E = Rain
F = Thorn
G = Leaf
H = Mud
I = Loud
J = Bramble
K = Moss
L = Leopard
M = Ripped
N = Bright
O = Running
P = Sand
Q = Dawn
R = Ice
S = Spotted
T = Fire
U = Red
V = Mouse
W = Tiger
X = Flower
Y = Claw
Z = Blue

Favorite Cat Breed

A = Tail
B = Paw
C = Nose
D = Fur
E = Eyes
F = Heart
G = Storm
H = Face
I = Foot
J = Whisker
K = Ear
L = Pelt
M = Star
N = Claw
O = Stripe
P = Mask
Q = Legs
R = Belly
S = Star
T = Shadow
U = Spot
V = Stump
W = Paw
X = Flower
Y = Wind
Z = Paw


This is what month you born in.
January = ThunderClan
February = RiverClan
March = WindClan
April = ShadowClan
May = ThunderClan
June = RiverClan
July = WindClan
August = ShadowClan
September = ThunderClan
October = RiverClan
November = ThunderClan
December = Loner

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