Welcome to HiddenClan!!

You might want to leave if you don't belong here, while you have the chance...



I am Hiddenbramble, leader of HiddenClan. I created this Clan for all the outcast cats to join. Only those who are worthy can join though... I am a powerful tom cat and I train my warriors like wise. I don't attend Gatherings-those Clans don't care about my kind. I am an outcast. I was exiled from ShadowClan when I was first accused of murdering the deputy. When ShadowClan then realized I hadn't done it, they tried to allow me to come back into the Clan...It was too late for that though. StarClan abandoned me, I believe only in the warriors who look up to me, I am HiddenClan's StarClan. Yet I named it HiddenSky. I allow my medicine cat to sometimes talk to StarClan-but those dead warriors are no use! I am trained to be a ShadowClan warrior and can creep through the forests unheard, beware me...
We are the ones who creep unheard through your camp, ready to send you back to your maker...


I am Hiddenbark, also leader of HiddenClan. I'm Hiddenbramble's sister, and even though I'm also a leader, Hiddenbramble doesn't like for me to take control! He has no patience for me, well only when I have a good battle plan. I'm older than Hiddenbramble and though he doesn't like to admit it, I'm even faster and stronger. I was part of WindClan once, I came to HiddenClan when my brother took control. I'm silent and even though Hiddenbramble doesn't know or approve, I believe in StarClan. They help guide me through trouble and I frequently get messages from them. I'm still loyal to my Clan in believe strongly in HiddenClan.
We are the Clan that will stick together until the Darkforest may rule the skies...



Lightningstrike is very loyal to StarClan and might want a mate in the future. She is a black she-cat with long fur and bright yellow eyes. When she was a kit, she survived a lightning strike that struck her. She is fine now but never wanted to be a warrior. She had always been fascinated by herbs and hopes to have many seasons of healing before she dies.


Blossomsong doesn't want a mate, she is a medicine cat! No cat in HiddenClan would even question her loyalty! She is pale silver-grey with darker streaks. She has 1 lavender eye and 1 violet eye. Blossomsong is blind, but can smell and hear perfectly. She can feel the ground's vibrations when a cat comes near her (this is not a super power, it actually exists!)



Shadowstalker wants a mate! He is also very loyal to StarClan! He is a grey tom with long fur with faint black stripes. His eyes are pure black and seem to burn through your pelt. He is loyal to his Clan and StarClan and would never do anything against the warrior code. He is strong built. Shadowstalker is usually calm but get him started in a fight and you need to watch out! He is very skilled at hunting also.

Warriors needed!

Nightclaw (image coming soon)

If Nightclaw isn't in your clan he'll rip you to shreds in a battle, but if you're in his clan he'll respect you through and through. He'll be loyal to the warrior code like he was defending his only kit! He will respect the senior warriors even if Nightclaw is the leader and no matter what he'll feed the Clan before he gets a nibble. He wants a mate! He is very loyal to StarClan!


Apprentices needed!


Queens and Kits needed!


Elders needed!